Series Recap Tour: Montana Series by RJ Scott

  Montana Series now Available in Kindle Unlimited Book #1 – Crooked Tree Ranch – Amazon US | Amazon UK Book #2 – The Rancher’s Son – Amazon US | Amazon UK Book #3 – A Cowboy’s Home – Amazon US | Amazon UK Book #4 – Snow In Montana – Amazon US – Amazon … More Series Recap Tour: Montana Series by RJ Scott

Review Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Brave for You by Crystal Lacy

Hi! Hopefully you’ve come back to check on my review of Brave for You by Crystal Lacy. Scroll down to read the blurb and an excerpt, my review, and don’t miss the giveaway at the end of the post! 😉 And don’t forget to check other blogs participating in this review tour 🙂   Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK   … More Review Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Brave for You by Crystal Lacy

Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Music of Love by Sandine Tomas

  Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Dreamspinner   USE CODE MoL40 for 40% DISCOUNT AT DREAMSPINNER!    Length: 70,870 words   Publisher: Dreamspinner Press   Cover Design: Bree Archer   Blurb   Sometimes the music of love skips a beat…. Paralegal by day, musician by night, Julian has an expiration date stamped … More Book Blitz & Giveaway: The Music of Love by Sandine Tomas

Release Blitz, Excerpt(s) & Giveaway: Hearts & Health Volume 2 by DJ Jamison

Hello! 🙂 Today I am glad to participate in the release blitz of DJ Jamison‘s Volume 2 of the awesome Hearts & Health series. If you want to check my reviews of the three books in this box set they can be found here – Room for Recovery, Surprise Delivery, Orderly Affair 🙂 They are all amazing books, and don’t miss the first … More Release Blitz, Excerpt(s) & Giveaway: Hearts & Health Volume 2 by DJ Jamison

Review Tour: Nothing Serious by Jay Norhtcote

Hi! Hope you came back to read my review of Jay Northcote‘s first book Nothing Serious on the occasion of its rerelease! 🙂 Scroll down for the review and then read my interview with Jay if you haven’t done so yet 🙂   Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK   Length: 40,000 words approx.   Cover Design: Garrett Leigh @ … More Review Tour: Nothing Serious by Jay Norhtcote

Release Blitz: Nothing Serious by Jay Northcote

Hi everyone! Today I am once again excited to share the (re)release blitz post for another of Jay‘s books! My review of it will be live on Friday 🙂   Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK   Length: 40,000 words approx.   Cover Design: Garrett Leigh @ Black Jazz Design   Blurb   What happens when “nothing … More Release Blitz: Nothing Serious by Jay Northcote