Review Policy

Hello and welcome!

Now first things first, I must say that the format of the book is not a problem for me. I am based in Europe (non-UK). I have a Kindle and also a device that reads .epub files. Other formats are okay as well. I am not demanding about that.

Usually I am quick to read and review a book. However, sometimes real life problems  intervene, and it may take me longer to review a book.

I post reviews on this blog, on Goodreads, but I currently cannot post reviews on Amazon as I apparently do not spend enough money on it. I generally post the review on Goodreads as soon as I finish writing it, but sometimes it may take a bit longer. I am not really familiar with any other platforms and how the reviewing works with them but if you can tell me, I can try posting on those instead of posting on Amazon.

This blog is dedicated to mostly LGBT+ themed books. And please, if you contact me to review your book, please use proper grammar? If I get a request that is full of typoes and grammar mistakes, I probably will not review it.

In general I only publish the reviews of books that I have finished. However, I do reserve the right to publish a bad review as well. My primary aim is to promote good books, not bash the ones I did not like. Of course all the reviews are my opinions about the book and so only reflect my feelings about a book.

If you want me to review your book, contact me on katiesbcreviews (at) gmail (dot) com.


P.S. I once received an email with ‘Dear Slovenian person whose name is definitely not Katie’. Please do not do that. It is a name I go by online and certainly isn’t up for debate. It is also really not funny and I will not finish reading the email.